
I apply to get into ...英文签名

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I apply to get into your life.我申请,加入你的人生。


Life is a journey , whatever you want is on the road.人生是一趟旅程,你想要的,都在路上。英文签名 "If you can, I will choose not to know a lot of people" “如果可以重来我会选择不认, I pertain to get into your lif[我请求,加入你的人生], 人生最艰难的阶段不再没有人理解你,而是当你自己都无法理解自己的时候。 The most difficult phase of lif, You don't wanna be my heart你不想成为我的心 You don't wanna be my life你不想成为我的人生, The road of life by their own choice.(人生的道路由自己选择), You don't wanna be my heart你不想成为我的心 You don't wanna be my life你不想成为我的人生, The last thing I can do for you is to get out of your life. 能为你做的最后一件事 竟是走出你的人生, Be the actor of your own life not a spectator of others lives 做自己生命的主角而不是别人生命中的看客, 人生最艰难的阶段不再没有人理解你,而是当你自己都无法理解自己的时候。 The most difficult phase of lif, Don't always pour out your difficulties or show your weakness in front of others.英文签名 Be the actor of your own life not a spectator of others lives 做自己生命的主角而不是别人生命中的看客,

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