
I'm not happy anymo...英文签名

QQ词典 qq.cidiancn.com

阅读: 70

I'm not happy anymore. But I will always miss you,like a darling.


Have a good happy every day.(开心过好每一天。), "I'm happy when I see you. I'm not happy when I don't see you.", Just try to be happy and don't worry about the things you can't change., Crowded accidentaly across not anymore 人潮拥挤再也不会不期而遇, I'm not happy anymore., I’d rather be a happy fool than a sad sage. ——做个悲伤的智者,不如做个开心的傻子英文签名 "The things that have been lost, in fact, never really belong to you, and you don't have to be sorry, Love one another and you will be happyIt's as simple and as difficult as that彼此相爱就是幸福如此难, "I'm happy when I see you. I'm not happy when I don't see you.", I am a happy and happy. 我是个神经病开心也笑难受也笑., Most people are so ungrateful to be alive.But not you.Not anymore.,

下一篇:Softhearted is sick, but you are life.心软是病,可你是命。 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】

上一篇:The lonely youth, I only for you.整个青春孤寂,我只为了一个你 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】



