
trouble is a friend ...英文签名

QQ词典 qq.cidiancn.com

阅读: 26

trouble is a friend 【烦恼是位朋友】


I take you as a friend but you just thought that she is a friend.(我当你是朋友,你却只当她是朋友), I want to be your sun around you.我想做你的太阳陪伴在你身旁。英文签名 自从QQ里加了很多行星饭 我感觉我身边的朋友像死了一样 再也没见过他们更新的空间动态, 一个人是孤独,两个人是烦恼(single is simple.double is trouble.), If we bear will be friends for longer.如果当初我们忍住做朋友会不会更长久., The first eye on the heart of the people, can not do friends. 第一眼就心动的人要怎么做朋友, and just pull that shit out of you (把所有烦恼都抛弃), I take you as a friend but you just thought that she is a friend.(我当你是朋友,你却只当她是朋友), I take you as a friend but you just thought that she is a friend.(我当你是朋友,你却只当她是朋友), Good times + crazy friends = Amazing memories. 欢乐时光+疯子般的朋友=最棒的回忆 。, and just pull that shit out of you (把所有烦恼都抛弃),

下一篇:I am a does not contan any addtves lunatc .我是一个不含任何添加剂的疯子。 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】

上一篇:I Love You but ,you yes or no love me? 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】



