
You said you want to...英文签名

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阅读: 31

You said you want to go then don't look back 你说你要走 那就别回头


“我说我分手吧”“你问我为什么”“我说我不喜欢你了”“你说你懂了,是我变了”心好酸, 我说你其实什么也不是 只是你在自以为是。 I say you are nothing but you to be opinionated, “我说我分手吧”“你问我为什么”“我说我不喜欢你了”“你说你懂了,是我变了”心好酸, You said you want to go then don't look back .(你说你要走 那就别回头), Can you tell me a lie, say you think me 可不可以对我说说谎 说你有想我, Don't love me for a long time, and then to go.【别爱我太久,然后又要走.】, You said you want to go then don't look back .(你说你要走 那就别回头), 你说你会回来 我站在街角 等风也等你, 愚人节的意思是 (I love people who do you love me if you didn't love me the .) [] 艾瑾诺:Failure is not final, we still have a long way to go. [失败并非终点,我们仍有很长的路要走], Don't be nice to me if you're going to leave sooner or later. 别对我好如果你迟早要走,

下一篇:[ I admit that I am thinking of you ] [] A word of goodbye, two of the world. 一句再见,两个世界。 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】

上一篇:只有蓬勃野心没有风月心情 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】



