
When you are in the ...英文签名

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阅读: 25

When you are in the entertainment, people trying to


Some people took out heart to you But you turn a blind eye to Some people without you in my heart Bu, No one indebted for others,while many people don’t know how to cherish others., Never doubt yourself. Never change who you are. Don't care what people think and just go for it., You are my only waiting for the people.(你是我唯一在等的人), Actually said in English, in order to cover up其实英文说说是为了掩盖心事。英文签名 我的脾气赶走了很多人 但留下了最真的人 My temper off a lot of people but the most people really, Would rather two people complain about not a person miss, forgive the people, forget the things., Some people are not forgive me silos.(有些人谈不上原谅 老死不相往来就好.), can not give each other the well-being of the people, is a lifelong need not goodbye to someone., people together afraid to live up to, a person afraid of loneliness. 两个人怕辜负 一个人怕孤独,

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