
You turn back,leaving...英文签名

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You turn back,leaving me a world of depression.


Some people took out heart to you But you turn a blind eye to Some people without you in my heart Bu, Time won't go back I won't turn back., You turn back,leaving me a world of depression., Clearly no one is waiting for me, I often turn back to do what. 明明没有人在等我,我频频回头做什么。, There seems no turning back from here.似乎再也没有回来了。, 时光: 我正在离去,因为, 你从未开口要求我留下。 I'm leaving you because you never asked me to stay., But this time I'm not leaving without you. 这次我将不会离开你独自离开。, After many years with old friends and talk about the original wine homes homes leaving., i will return i will return don't you ever hang your head(我终会回来,你不会静守么), Why would i ever think of leaving you 我怎么可能会想离开你英文签名 Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. [] If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.如果你累了,学会休息,而不是放弃。,

下一篇:后面没有翻译的英语,表示直接略过。。。 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】

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