
I am no good for you...英文签名

QQ词典 qq.cidiancn.com

阅读: 31

I am no good for you (对你来说 我不够好。)


I said I don't like you, but unfortunately it's fake. (我说我不喜欢你,可惜这是假的), I won't leave until you come back .(我不会离开,直到你回来。), l love you to the moon and back . 我对你的爱穿越亿万光年, 如果没有你的陪伴我不知道我会落魄成什么样。, “我说我分手吧”“你问我为什么”“我说我不喜欢你了”“你说你懂了,是我变了”心好酸, Even laughing at me time shouldn't be too serious to you.连时间都在嘲笑我不该对你太过认真, You are the one I dare say like in the blink of an eye你是我不眨眼就敢说喜欢的人, Nothing has gonna change my love for you.没有什么能改变我对你的爱。, I cannot cry, I cry to see your face (我不敢哭,一哭就看不清你的脸了), Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect. [] I am not afraid I am afraid spend courage tattle and prate(我不怕流言蜚语 我只怕花光勇气),

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