
I have a strong desi...英文签名

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阅读: 31

I have a strong desire to be close to me you don't want to go 我的占有欲很强 靠近了我你就别想走


Can hold do not let go can hug is not torn.能握紧就别放手 能拥抱就别拉扯., You said you want to go then don't look back .(你说你要走 那就别回头), Can hold do not let go can hug is not torn.能握紧就别放手 能拥抱就别拉扯., You said you want to go then don't look back .(你说你要走 那就别回头), Can hold do not let go, can hug is not toan.[能握紧就别放手 能拥抱就别拉扯.], 'Love a person don't too tired too tired don't like to Bitchy' 喜欢一个人就别嫌累 嫌累就别犯贱去喜欢, Can hold do not let go, can hug is not toan.[能握紧就别放手 能拥抱就别拉扯.], Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you 麻烦不来找你,就别去自找麻烦, 别总因为迁就别人委屈了自己,这个世界没几个人值得你总弯腰, 别总因为迁就别人委屈了自己,这个世界没几个人值得你总弯腰,

下一篇:You can cry,But you can not lose(你可以哭但是不能输) 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】

上一篇:What you are doing nowreflets how you will live in the future 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】



