
The waves are coming...英文签名

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阅读: 12

The waves are coming home with me.浪够就跟我回家


用心夹杂着回家咯, What's your dream?My dream is to marry you home (你的梦想是什么?我的梦想是娶你回家), I just want to take you home without a word 说不出好听的话 我只想带你回家, I'll be waiting for your home you go to the sea.[你去浪我等你回家], I desire to grow old with you without paying ( 多想一个不小心就跟你白头到老 ), The waves are coming home with me.浪够就跟我回家, come to with me if want to live. 想活命就跟我!., I cooked a cup of a tea , when you go home 我煮杯茶 候你回家., I cooked a cup of a tea , when you go home 我煮杯茶 候你回家., [ as long as you love me.] [] Will you come home with me?【你要跟我回家吗】,

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上一篇:Do you love me? But I love you(你爱我吗?可我爱你) 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】



