
I am a evildoer.(我是...英文签名

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I am a evildoer.(我是个坏人)


Forgive me a dumb not to tell the truth.原谅我是个哑巴不会说心里话。, If I was a boy(如果我是个男孩), If I were a boy even just for a day.[如果我是个男孩 哪怕只有一天], The bad guys would not have been bad, but will be more cheap slut 坏人不会一直坏,但贱人会越来越贱, I am a does not contain any additives lunatic ——我是个不含任何添加剂的疯子, I am an ordinary person, but I hate the ordinary dream. 我是个平凡的人 但我厌弃平凡的梦, I am a happy and happy. 我是个神经病开心也笑难受也笑., 我是个没有明天的人,所以我看不到自己的未来。 I am a man who has no tomorrow, so I can't see my futur, 我不是什么好人也不是什么坏人 只是我时好时坏, I'm a desertion, But I can fight for you.我是个逃兵 但我可以为你出生入死,

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