
Love and you are gon...英文签名

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阅读: 9

Love and you are gone, only me.爱和你都走了,只剩下我


Just started to like to do not have to do it later. 刚开始喜欢到不行 后来只剩下不行., He doesn't even have to talk to you about the future. 他连坚持都不会 还和你谈什么未来., 我没有比其他人强悍 这没有什么好隐瞒 泪水和你一样烫 也会有心慌, Always expect, can and you in the same city. 一直奢望,能和你在同一个城市。, Love and you are gone, only me.爱和你都走了,只剩下我, Corpo, cuore lasciando solo il vuoto vuoto e l'anima. ゛躯体,只剩下半空的心脏和虚无的灵魂。, He doesn't even have to talk to you about the future. 他连坚持都不会 还和你谈什么未来., I want to be with you, if not, then I will be in the place you can't see. 我希望和你在一起 ,如果不, The harbest thing to do is say bye bye 现在最难受的事情 是和你再见, Just started to like to do not have to do it later. 刚开始喜欢到不行 后来只剩下不行.,

下一篇:I love how clear and firm you are.我爱你是多么清楚多么坚固的信仰 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】

上一篇:All I wish is to dream again.(我多想再次追逐梦想) 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】



