
We are going to wear...英文签名

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阅读: 6

We are going to wear a couple walking on the beach. 我们要穿着情侣装 牵手走在沙滩上


From carries on her work you do my dust 你从风里来洗尽我尘埃英文签名 We are going to wear a couple walking on the beach. 我们要穿着情侣装 牵手走在沙滩上, If there are no pockets on the go hand in hand(若无人牵手那就手插口袋自己走), I see sunshine in your eyes 我在你眼里窥见阳光英文签名 Don't look back. After all, you go ahead(不要回头,毕竟你走在前面), If there are no pockets on the go hand in hand(若无人牵手那就手插口袋自己走), 哪怕走在人潮拥挤的街道,心还是会孤单。, Walking in the empty street corner with a smile.{走在无人的街道眼角勉强带着笑。}, Walking in the empty street corner with a smile.{走在无人的街道眼角勉强带着笑。}, We are going to wear a couple walking on the beach. 我们要穿着情侣装 牵手走在沙滩上, Walk on the busy street 走在繁华街, In life, couples meet because of fate. To go through life together is happiness.走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。,

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