
"The most is you, th...英文签名

QQ词典 qq.cidiancn.com

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"The most is you, the most is you don't want to bother." “最想的是你,最不想打扰的却也是你。”


This world is the hardest thing to put down the obsession(这世间,最难放下的是执念。), The same people, spend a heart.[不变的是人,消磨的是心]。, “和你说件事你要记住”“脑容量不够,记不住”“那你脑袋装的是什么”“装的是你”, I want to be your favorite hello and you hardest goodbye[我想成为你最想见到的和最难说再见的], The same people, spend a heart.[不变的是人,消磨的是心]。英文签名 we are all apt to beieve what we wish to beieve.(人们常常爱相信他们愿意相信的), If you don't know what you want,you won't know when you've gotten it. 如果你不知道自己想要的是什么., You ruined my desire is to love you may. 你毁掉的是我渴望继续, Think nothing of it,you are here and that is what counts. 你迟到了不要紧 重要的是你来了, 最难过的是在我这里你不可或缺,在你那里我却是可有可无。, It‘s always harder for the ones who left behind.下决心离开很难,但更难的是那个留下来的人英文签名 "You probably don't understand for me you even more crowded crowds can also be important to see you",



